mosquito invasion, rentista visa, events, and more

everything you need to know


Just a quick heads up: I’ll experiment with sending 2 times per week: once on Monday and the second time on Thursday.

That way I can include even more events (since many bars/events schedules are released on Wednesday).

That’s why I’m only including events until Thursday - there will be a 2nd email on Thursday morning with more events.

Let me know if you like that schedule by replying to this email!

Let’s dive in!

📰 News

  • The mosquito invasion: If you’ve been outside your apartment in the last few days, you’ve noticed swarms of mosquitos around the capital. Some of these are the normal variety - however, some carry dengue. They are expected to last a few more weeks (yay) so stock up on your repellant. Here’s a map of the most dengue-infested comunas in the city.

  • Another aviation strike: Aviation union announces a 24-hour strike this Wednesday. I’m not sure if this only affects Aerolinas flights or no, so you might want to check with your airline if you’re flying on Wednesday.

📅 Events

Here are some interesting events happening this week:

🎷 Live Music Shows

These are just some of the live music shows that are happening this week:

Here are a few of the art gallery shows happening this week:

💃 Milongas

These are just some of the milongas that are happening this week (for the full list check out Hoy Milonga).

📖 Interesting Reads

These are just some of the interesting articles I found around the web:

  • Rentista visa guide: normally you need passive income to qualify for this visa. However, here’s an account of someone who got it through his freelancing/LLC. Includes timelines, documents necessary, and more.

  • 4-day Mendoza itinerary: Mendoza is a popular destination in Argentina, and here’s a cool 4-day itinerary you can follow for your trip!

Until next time,
